Live Work Play - New Photography

A Live Work Play

A new concept from the photos supplied. Some of the images will need to be re-supplied in high res for final production.

Left and right mouse scroll or drag the green bar above. 

Live Work Play - Original Concepts

A Live Work Play

Double Image | Lifestyle + Detail. Typeface updated to match The Square branding

Left and right mouse scroll or drag the green bar above. 

B Live Work Play

Single Image per section – with St. Modwen Monotone effect and Image cutout overlay | Lifestyle & Detail | Typeface updated to match The Square branding

Left and right mouse scroll or drag the green bar above. 

C Live Work Play

Single Image per section – with St. Modwen Monotone effect and Image cutout overlay  | Lifestyle & Detail | With Development logos panel and laptop detail

Left and right mouse scroll or drag the green bar above. 


Live Work Play Alternatives

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